I hate when you look back at things and wonder why you didn’t see any of the signs until you’re so stuck in a situation that you have absolutely not idea how you’re going to get yourself out of it.

McGrady used the facade of keeping us safe to lure us all into his trust. He waited for the perfect moment which happened to be the outright chaos of the hordes to get us into his prison. We’re all kept apart from one another. The men patrol us as some sort of sick prison guard type thing. The children, from what I can gather are with my mom and the older women that were with us.

I get to be the special “prize” for McGrady at the end of all of this. The women who are of child-bearing age are kept fed, healthy and made to walk for an hour a day under a heavy watch. We’re not allowed to speak to one another though Bonnie and I do seem to watch one another to check and see if we’re at least physically okay. We’re each assigned to a man. I think Bonnie has the eldest McGrady boy and it has been made abundantly clear that I am McGrady’s treasure.

Much like Javier used to visit me at night in the house, MCgrady now does. He tries to talk to me, to explain his reasoning, but I refuse to listen to him.

“The world must go on, Elizabeth,” he says in his hardened voice. He reminds me of my father when we calls me that. I cringe every time. “In order for the world to go on, we have to have more children. More able men to protect it and make it safe again.” He usually lights a cigarette and blows the smoke out of the side of his mouth. “Isn’t it easier this way? To just do it. To leave out the emotional commitment that complicates everything? It’s just business.”

I stare off at the wall, my hands in my lap. I beat myself up on the inside, wondering why we just didn’t stay at Alcott Elementary.

“I’m not going to force you, it’s never been my style. One day though and soon, you will surrender to me just like your friend did to her assignment and life will go on.”

Assignment? Are we cattle? Cattle to be bought, sold and impregnated for the purpose of “the future”…”the greater good.” I want to slap him, I want to reach across my little cell and claw out his eyes, but I go somewhere inside of myself that’s away from him and away from this world entirely.

He stubs out his cigarette on the wall, crosses the cell and kisses me on the forehead. “It’s just business,” he whispers into my ear.

I still feel my skin crawling even after he’s left. This is not how I want my life to go, not how I want it to end either. How the hell do I get out of this one?

  1. Julie H says:

    What a turn! What a creep! Seriously though, I like the dramatic turn here…we’ve gone from dodging zombies to surviving flesh-eating, living human beings. We’ve arrived back at civilization…or have we? This McGrady dude had me worried from the start…looking at everyone like pieces of meat. I kinda want to know more about his background. What does Javier make of all this? Will he come to Miss Burton’s rescue? Where are the kids throughout this?

    • My simple answer is, I don’t know. We have all been kept very separate. My kids are with my mom I know and Javier…well I get glimpses of him when he has guard duty.

      I feel so hopeless.

      – Liz

  2. Laura E. says:

    Ugh SICK. I am just catching up on this now. It makes me want to read “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood again.

    I am glad the kids are safe! I wish there was a way Ms. Burton could communicate with them–taps on a wall notes, ANYTHING. The kids need to reach out to her, somehow.

    I miss Javier. </3

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